Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Other items from the swap

Dear Shayne,

As I mentioned before, we had a "craft supply swap" at work last week and I took a couple of things home. I've already shown you the tatting, but here are the other two items.

Enough fabric to make a long skirt:
A skirt's worth of fabric

Sigh. I have a terrible time getting motivated to make clothes, but I couldn't resist this one. I don't know what it is exactly, but it feels like rayon or a rayon blend. Plus, it's preeeettty.

Also, I got some scraps of topographic paper:
Topographic paper

Good for collages and whatnot, right? I like that this one on top says "Hay."

Even though I really shouldn't have brought anything home, it's still less stuff than I took to the swap, so yay!


1 comment:

bettyninja said...

Nice map papers. I think they are great for crafts.