Saturday, February 09, 2008

Valentine gift idea: a little book!

Dear Shayne,

I made this for Bill a few years ago on our anniversary, but it seems appropriate to post as Valentine's Day is fast approaching.

Unfortunately, I can't remember where I originally got the idea for this, so I can't give credit where it's due.

Meanwhile, I believe that the one that I originally saw was far fancier than mine. Mine is just a deck of cards, held together with binder rings:
A little book...

As you can see, I didn't bother to disguise that this is a deck of cards -- I just glued my "things" in and left the card-i-ness the way that it was:
One of the things...

I think the original one I saw had gesso and collage and all of that jazz. But if I know myself, this was probably a last-minute idea, so this is what I made:
Another thing I love!
(He was already a Browns fan when we met -- match made in heaven, I tell ya!)

I typed out the first 52 things that popped into my head and printed them. Then I cut them out and ran them through the Xyron sticker maker (love that thing!)
Yet another thing I love
(Just to clarify, I meant physical comedy with that one... not someone actually getting hurt.)

Looking at this project again makes me want to make one with a lot more stuff in it -- the possibilities with this project are endless!
And one more thing.

I punched holes in the sides of the cards and held them all together with binder rings (ETA: I used the 1 inch size), which you can see better here:
Side view of the little book
(I love how fat it is -- satisfying!)

The back is also very basic -- although I did "laminate" the back page (again with the sticker maker -- it's cold lamination, so it's not as melty as real lamination, but it works in a pinch!)
Back view of the little book

It was tough to stop at just 52 -- my man is awesome! So I just wrote down the first 52 and went with those. Perhaps I should make a sequel...



Shayne said...

Oh my gosh, that is so cute and delicious in it's fatness. I've never seen it before, but I may copy it. 52 things...hmmmm..........

Whitney said...

It's so great, I've been trying to figure out what to do for Valentine's Day for my Kevin! What did you use for the red on the front and back??

kelly said...

I lucked out and had some scrapbook paper in the stash that looked to me like a distressed book cover.

I was so happy when I found it -- looks great and all I had to do was cut out rectangles!

Good luck finding something for yours -- be sure to post a link if you make one!

bettyninja said...

Thank you thank you thank you. I have been racking my brain to come up with something for valentine's day for my beau. This is perfect!

Shayne said...

What size rings did you use?

kelly said...

bettyninja: Glad I could help!

Shayne: That's a great question! I should update the post -- I also posted this project on craftster (I'm one of the Hottest New Topics right now! Yeah!) and someone else asked me that over there.

They're 1 inch rings. I originally got smaller ones and they were too small.

Shayne said...

I got a deck of cards and a pack of rings today, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this before Thursday evening. If not, the question I give it to him any old time or save it up for next date-a-versary, anniversary, birthday, Valentine's Day???

Whitney said...

I made my own card book like yours and posted it on my blog. If you click the link in my name it will be the most recent post. Thanks for the inspiration :)

kelly said...

Shayne -- I say any ol' time!

a glance at my world -- I went to your site and saw your book... great work! I'm sure he's going to love it!

I also posted this project on craftster and several people have posted their versions of it. Aww... makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to spread the luuuv.

Amanda said...

I found this blog through Craftster & I just wanted to say that this book inspired me, except we won't be seeing any finished results until June.

But thank you !

engelsigh said...

That is so cute! I definately want to try that. Thank you for the idea.

Alice said...

I found your pictures of this adorable little card book on Flickr the other day. What a cute idea for hubby this year. He travels a lot and will be in China for Valentines Day. I love that this is small enough to pack amongst his things with a note "Do Not Open Till the 14th". Thanks for the inspiration!

Amy's Stocking Stuffers said...

I think this is absolutely terrific. I plan to post about it (pointing here, of course!) on my blog.... and maybe whip one up for my husband! Thanks so much for this great idea!

Rachel Bostwick said...

Love it. I would love to make it and then drop it in my husband's backpack when he goes to school or work... nice surprise :)

Laurie in SC said...

So it! It's the perfect size for a loved one to keep with them (in the car, at work, in the backpack, etc) to remind them how awesome they are! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

This is amazing. I've been trying to find something for absolutely cheap for Valentine's Day, and I think this might be the winner!

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

I love it! I'll have to give it a try for my honey for V-Day! Thanks for the great idea!

New Dress A Day said...

So lovely :)

Schluter said...

Thanks for the idea! I decided to make my own!!! I posted it on the blog. I almost copied yours exactly for the cover!

bingsy said...

I found it on dollarstore crafts, so I made mine using dollar store materials and stuff on hand. I bought some google eyes they had and superglued a large eye on in the middle of the front cover (taped on black wrapping paper.) I titled it "50 Things 'Eye' Love About You" I truly love the weird, monster like effect the google eye gives.

Thanks for the idea. I plan to make another for our anniversary with memories we share.

I would post a picture, but I don't have a working camera at the moment.

Anonymous said...

well no one else will say it, so I guess I will: worst gift EVER. If your husband is a gay man.... this might work. Good lord thumbs down down down must minimize exposure of this trite.

ckline said...

I do have to say Anonymous'comment made me laugh. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think this is adorable but my husband would think it was "gay" I have already decided I will make this as "52 ways I love that you're my sister" She will be just as thrilled with such a crafty cute thing as I. This also works for best friends, moms, grandmas, daughters and guys who are just a touch cheesy! Thanks for the great idea!

kelly said...

ckline: I agree! Made me laugh, too. :) That's why I left it!

Roxanne said...

Kelly, The sticker maker was it the "create a sticker" the laminate maker? Could you send me a link to the one you have? I see tons by this Xyron maker and i have no idea which one to get. I want to make stickers and laminate.


kelly said...

Roxanne --

My Xyron is the 510. Doesn't look like they make that *exact* model anymore, but it looks like this one does everything mine does (adhesive, magnet, cold laminate).

I *love* it -- one of my absolute favorite craft tools of all time!

Shayne said...

Do you have good luck with the magnet paper? I used it ages ago and it was crap, but I'm sure they've improved it since then.

Sonia said...

Absolute cutest idea ever!!! Definitely stealing the "things I love about you" idea for valentines day :-) thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

Where did you get smaller than one inch rings?! Please help!

bethyvee said...

This is such a sweet idea :)

I just recently bought the 510 off ebay and it came with nearly a full roller of permanent glue and a nearly full roller of two sided lamination. However, because I have no experience with this machine, which roller do I use to create the stickers?

kelly said...

Anonymous -- I got both sizes of rings at Office Max.

bethyvee -- You want to use the Permanent adhesive to make the stickers. Here's a PDF of the 510 instruction guide that might help you with your Xyron questions! :)

Arlie said...

I saw this on Pinterest and ended up making it for my boyfriend for Valentines day and he absolutely loved it! I'm an amateur crafter/college student and didn't have access to a sticker maker, nor the funds to buy one. Instead, I just cut the text into squares and glued it down with a glue stick, and then placed clear carton sealing tape over top of it to give it a laminated look and keep it secure. Maybe a little more time consuming, but much cheaper! I also included teeny little pictures of us and things included in the little inside jokes on the card. It was quite a hit! Thanks for the awesome idea!

Anonymous said...

so i'm in the process of making this for my boyfriend. It was intended for our 3 year anniversary but that's not for a few months. I'm super excited about this should I wait to give it on our anniversary or give it to him when I get home from college in a few weeks?

Anonymous said...

So it doesn't seem so "gay" you could change it to 52 sexual things I like to do with you ;) Or 52 sexual things I would like to do to you. Then you and your guy can pick which ones to do first!!!

Unknown said...

This is actually a great idea for my teenage daughters! at this age they are so insecure...this will help to remind them how valuable they are to me!

Anonymous said...

OM'Gosh! I love this idea. Thinking of making a mini collage for the cover. This wound be great if I could find red playing cards too. Thanks for the inspiration and details you provided.

Brianna said...

I just finished this little project for my boyfriend's Valentine's day gift! I'm so happy with how it turned out. Super cute idea!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone thought this was a bad idea! I guess men who really love us enjoy the sensitive things that we do for them showing appreciation! I am stealing this! I'll post how much my husband loves it later :)

veronica said...

I luvv this I have to run to my dollar tree and buy a deck of cards.thanks again.

Veronica mendoza

Maddi said...

I love this! I'm planning to make it for my boyfriend and I's two year 'anniversary', I've got the cards, just need to make it now:), where did you get the ring binder rings from? And any tips? thanks for the amazing cute idea!

Shayne said...

Hi Maddi - Kelly made this, but I'll go ahead and answer. You can get the rings at any office supply store. They should be with the paper clips and whatnot. I've even seen them at Target and the grocery store with the school and office supplies now. Good luck!