Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cashmere cowl

Dear Shayne,

Wow -- what a month I've had. Very busy at work. I actually finished this cowl at the beginning of the month, but haven't had a moment to take photos. I was home today (yay!) so here it is.

I know you think this glass head is creepy, so I apologize. I haven't gotten anything yet to replace her, so look past the head to the cowl.

The pattern is Abby from Knitty. I posted this yarn just about a year ago when I bought it at Stitches West. It's cashmere -- sooooo soft!

Here it is, pulled up as a sort of hood:
Cowl: in "hood" position.

I actually ran out of yarn before finishing the full length, so it would be a bit short in back if I wore it that way:
Not for short haired folks -- a bit short in back.
My hair is long right now, though, so the back of my neck doesn't require full coverage.

I mostly wear it like a regular scarf -- for keeping my neck warm:
Cowl: I mostly wear it like this.
It's nice for pulling up over my nose when it's chilly!

This was a quick knit, which was great. After finishing it, I stated that I would never make another full-length lace scarf again. Who needs all that extra stuff? As long as my neck is warm, I'm good.

Of course, I will forget I ever made that statement the next time I fall in love with some lace scarf pattern I just have to make. Naturally.



Shayne said...

That is such a pretty shade of red and I love the pattern!

j0zzzz said...

Hooray for actually being home on a weekend! The cowl looks great!

Rozi said...

Dear Shayne and Kelly,

I've given you guys the Kreativ Blogger award on my blog. Please accept this humble offering :-)