As you know, I've been trying to grow catnip for the past couple of months (false start, second attempt, success, strange black/purple leaves, and harvest.) I finally have... catnip! Yay!
But first, I want to show you what's going on with my plant... there are green leaves growing in the middle of the black ones:

So I guess it's recovering? I hope so. Now, onto the nip!
Here it is once I dried it out:

Per various instructions online, I put in in a baggie and crunched it up:

I knew it was good when I left that baggie on the kitchen counter and we heard Kaesea in there grabbing it. He's not allowed on the counters and he's usually very good about that, but I guess it was irresistible. (Which is great!)
I then put it on the Cat Spa. A quick word about the Cat Spa... it is huge and ugly but it is truly the best way for our two cats [who mostly fight] to get along and enjoy catnip simultaneously.
(Also, when they're going at the nip on it, you can sing "Rock the Cat Spa, rock the Cat Spa..." Heh.)
Here is a photo of both cats rocking the Cat Spa:

We use the Cat Spa frequently and this is the most blissed out we have ever seen them with it -- they really loved this nip!
Here is a blurry photo (they were going nuts, so it was hard to get good photos) of Kaesea looking very blitzed and Biscuit licking the catnip-covered brush:

A doped-up Biscuit:

And, of course, Kaesea:

A good time was had by all. (Particularly Bill and I -- we were laughing our butts off at these two.) Unfortunately, my first harvest was only worth about one session. But I have more buds out there, so I hope to have more soon.