Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Brownies: Before

Brownies: Before
Originally uploaded by Novelty Kitten.
Dear Kelly,

In crafty news, I've started on Sam's halloween costume - Obi Wan Kenobi. I already had to take one sleeve off because I didn't manage to sew it on smoothly all around. Tomorrow I'll attempt it again.

Tomorrow night there is a PTA reception for new parents and I volunteered to make brownies. Here's the before picture....my favorite part of making brownies. I suppose a better picture would have been me with brownie batter all over my face.



kelly said...

Oh -- I just looked at your "after" picture and now I totally want brownies. I love that cracked top! Mmm... cracked brownie top. mmmm....

Shayne said...

my brownies are gooooooooooood. you will have to visit me to taste the perfection that is my brownies.

kelly said...

I want brownies! I want brownies! C'mon... can't you ship 'em? ;)

Shayne said...

Hmmmm, could I ship brownies???

kelly said...

Why NOT?!