Tuesday, September 26, 2006

OTB: Shayne's Powder Room

Dear Kelly,

This is the ugly towel ring that is on the door. Say goodbye to the ugly towel ring.

Celadon green walls, trim, and door. Trim and door must be painted white. Walls will be fuschia!

Ugly light fixture is being replaced.

Stupid towel bar across from toilet. That's going. Will hang some art there. Replace dirty dish towel with nice hand towels in towel ring to be installed next to sink

More of the green door and trim. Why didn't they leave it white??

Boring old mirror that's getting replaced with something much more fun.

Ugly switchplate and outlet covers that need replacing. New plates are the only things I still need.



kelly said...

"Why didn't they leave it white?" I hear ya, sister. Did you see the trim in our bathroom?! It's navy blue. NAVY.

So. Wrong.

Shayne said...

I am so dreading painting the trim and the door. I'd like to just buy a new door, but it's not in the budget. And hey! how do you paint behind the fracking toilet?